As if to prove her point, Miley put on a performance for the ages (literally!) at last night's Teen Choice Awards.
The singer rocked out to her new single, "Party in the USA," while standing atop an ice cream cart (awww, see how young and innocent she is?!?) and pole dancing like a stripper!
Later in the evening, Cyrus presented the Ultimate Choice Award to Britney Spears and told the fans: “I’m a huge fans of hers."
Makes sense. Britney has also made a career out of appealing to teenagers with her supposed saintliness, only to release songs with lyrics that would make Hugh Hefner blush.
We hope we're wrong, but it's just a matter of time until Miley also gets knocked up twice and then divorced.
Click on the pics below to view more images of Cyrus getting her stripper impression on. Then, follow this article's jump to watch a video of the entire performance...
Is this really appropriate for a 16-year old... performing in front of other 16-year olds? Write in. Let us know your thoughts.
Michael "Romeo" Montague
I bet Miley Cyrus may have a good poker game in all her teenage escapades. I would not be surprised if she did get great poker tips from the pros.