The 75th annual Plaza Art Festival reportedly brought 300,000 people to the plaza this weekend. The real work of art was parking within a mile of the exhibits. This is considered one of the top 5 art fairs in the nation and many of the exhibitors say it's their favorite. Congratulations to everyone who won free tickets to the art fair on my show.
FYI, Kansas City ranks #16 in the best Art Cities in America, according to a survey from American Style magazine. Minneapolis was #9, St. Louis #22 among cities with populations between 100,000 to 499,000.
Thanks to the Hereford House for being the official sponsor of the newsletter. Check this link for a free dessert and to save money on great Hereford House food!
Several of you have written, thanking me for the link to Hereford House. It really can save you $$!
Gasoline dropped under 2 dollars a gallon in KC Thursday and that was enough to put us all over national news. I saw $1.99 on the Missouri side and as low as $2.03 on the Kansas side.
**For the first time in months I didn't have to order a pizza from Westport and then ride home with the delivery car.
The Liberty Memorial downtown was designated a national historic landmark Thursday. That’s only 70 years too late.
**20 years ago it was designated national historic landmark….by GLAAD.
A retired Kansas City math teacher is on Oprah Winfrey’s legal radar. He’s the freak trying to get Oprah to run for president in 2008. He has bumpers stickers and T-shirts and even a web site. Oprah thinks this guy is trying to make a buck using her name.
**Oprah can’t become president…Who would tell me how to find the right bra size?
Billionaire Richard Branson has pledged $3 billion to help develop alternative fuel and help global warming.
**But he won’t spend 10 bucks to get rid of that mullet.
Missouri ranks 28th among states with percentage of population living in poverty.
St. Louis jumped from #15 in 2000 to #10 for cities with lowest median household income and percentage of people living in poverty (25.4%).
**If you're a minority in STL, odds are you're living in poverty...unless your last name is PUJOLS.
A French newspaper is claiming Osama bin Laden has been dead since August.
**He reportedly took a hard blow to the head from a Cincinnati Bengal.
Hundreds of people joined Mix Thursday to celebrate the return of Grey's Anatomy.
**Meanwhile, our own Cabana Boy was out of town to celebrate some girl from Portland's anatomy.
Long Distance Subscribers of the Week: Kevin Rolston, West Palm Beach, FL. One of my young Padawans of broadcasting and dark lord of radio BS in Southern Florida. Keep wearing men's clothing KEVIN!! Also, Casey Stealey in Bloomington, IL. I had to email her to let her know she was under a tornado warning Friday. The things I do for our Internet listeners!
CMSU is no more. It’s now being called University of Central Missouri. This after SMS in Springfield became Missouri State University.
**It gets really confusing because students at both of these Universities all have the same DNA...
The girls of Deal or No Deal have released their own music video. One of them subscribes to this FREE newsletter and I STILL have not received my DVD...yet.
According to a new survey, 8% of Americans never wash their hands...ever!
**Apparently, they also work in the spinach shipping industry.
A new Web MD study shows which office-based jobs have the most bacteria encounters.
#1. Teacher
#2. Accountant
#3. Banker
#5. Doctor
**Let me get this straight...The Mix studio has more bacteria than a proctologist exam table? Yet, working for CBS, I feel the same way.
Have a great week and be sure to listen to the radio show 3-7 weekdays on Mix 93.3. I have a funny feeling I will be giving away $5,000 dollars this week... But I'm not trying to bribe you.
Kelly Urich/Mix 93.3
4717 Grand Suite 600
Kansas City, MO 64112
Missouri ranks 28th among states with percentage of population living in poverty.
St. Louis jumped from #15 in 2000 to #10 for cities with lowest median household income and percentage of people living in poverty (25.4%).
**If you're a minority in STL, odds are you're living in poverty...unless your last name is PUJOLS.
A French newspaper is claiming Osama bin Laden has been dead since August.
**He reportedly took a hard blow to the head from a Cincinnati Bengal.
Hundreds of people joined Mix Thursday to celebrate the return of Grey's Anatomy.
**Meanwhile, our own Cabana Boy was out of town to celebrate some girl from Portland's anatomy.
Long Distance Subscribers of the Week: Kevin Rolston, West Palm Beach, FL. One of my young Padawans of broadcasting and dark lord of radio BS in Southern Florida. Keep wearing men's clothing KEVIN!! Also, Casey Stealey in Bloomington, IL. I had to email her to let her know she was under a tornado warning Friday. The things I do for our Internet listeners!
CMSU is no more. It’s now being called University of Central Missouri. This after SMS in Springfield became Missouri State University.
**It gets really confusing because students at both of these Universities all have the same DNA...
The girls of Deal or No Deal have released their own music video. One of them subscribes to this FREE newsletter and I STILL have not received my DVD...yet.
According to a new survey, 8% of Americans never wash their hands...ever!
**Apparently, they also work in the spinach shipping industry.
A new Web MD study shows which office-based jobs have the most bacteria encounters.
#1. Teacher
#2. Accountant
#3. Banker
#5. Doctor
**Let me get this straight...The Mix studio has more bacteria than a proctologist exam table? Yet, working for CBS, I feel the same way.
Have a great week and be sure to listen to the radio show 3-7 weekdays on Mix 93.3. I have a funny feeling I will be giving away $5,000 dollars this week... But I'm not trying to bribe you.
Kelly Urich/Mix 93.3
4717 Grand Suite 600
Kansas City, MO 64112